Three-dimensional treatment for scoliosis has been used in Germany since 1921. Mrs. Kathrine Schroth first created this method after using it for 11 years, bringing together a lot of information and creating a mosaic of teachable methods. This treatment method was introduced by the physiotherapist Sonja Hansen in English-speaking countries. The treatment of three-dimensional scoliosis by Mrs. Kathrine Schort has been determined by many countries and medical authorities from time to time and is considered to be a reliable method because of its focus on respiration.
In this method, the patient should be persuaded and motivated for the importance of the method he uses.
Three-dimensional treatment is more successful in patients with scoliosis due to puberty. The difficulty encountered here is that personality has not yet been established in these ages. Therefore the physiotherapist should overcome the difficulties by using pedagogical and physiological abilities. One of the reasons for this treatment is to design exercise with corrective effect according to the direction of curvature in all three planes.
The goal is permanent changes in the posture.
The goal of the three-dimensional scoliosis treatment is to provide three-dimensional correction.
- Correct spinal rotation and increase lung capacity by regional breathing techniques
- Correction of spinal posture with isometric exercises, breathing techniques and pelvic correction exercises
- Ensuring and maintaining the correct posture during therapy and in daily life,
- Strengthening of legs, feet, back and abdominal muscles.

Who is Eligible to Schroth Treatment Program?
Schroth program is a 3-dimensional correction in the spine and is effective in providing postural smoothness. Goals, especially in times of height growth accelerated (such as puberty) showing an increase of kyphosis and scoliosis angle it is to decrease the angle formed taken under control. In adults, the aim is mostly to provide the body’s postural smoothness, to collect the body, especially the pelvis in the center, to provide a proper posture, to stretch the muscles around the spine and to relieve chronic back and low back pain.
Progress of Treatment?
The patient, who is eligible for treatment, is usually called for treatment once or twice a week. On the first day of treatment, the photos of the person and the X-ray images of the person are taken and the angle and the scoliosis type are evaluated. Schroth principles and postural awareness are provided with approximately one-hour training programs each week. Postural changes are evaluated with photographs taken at the end of each six-week period. The angles are reviewed with the X-rays taken at 4/6/12 months of medical examinations.
“SCHROTH-3D SCOLIOSIS TREATMENT” için 12 yorum yapıldı
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